Publikációk – Folyóiratok
Segmentation of Brain Tumor Parts from Multi-spectral MRI Records Using Deep Learning and U-Net ArchitectureCsaholczi Szabolcs | Györfi Ágnes | Kovács Levente | Szilágyi László |
NTRK amplification occurs frequently in pan-TRK immunopositive dedifferentiated liposarcomas
Lippai Zoltán | Papp Gergő | Szuhai Károly | Sápi Johanna | Dezső Katalin | Sápi Zoltán |
Integration of ultrasound and microwave pretreatments with solid-state fermentation enhances the release of sugars, organic acids, and phenolic compounds in wheat bran
Nemes Silvia Amalia | Mitrea Laura | Teleky Bernadette-Emoke | Dulf Eva H. | Călinoiu Lavinia Florina | Ranga Floricuta | Elekes Deborah-Gertrude-Alice | Diaconeasa Zorita | Dulf Francisc Vasile | Vodnar Dan Cristian |
Population norms for the EQ-5D-5L for Hungary: comparison of online surveys and computer assisted personal interviews
Péntek Márta | Jáger Viktor | Kincses Áron | Hölgyesi Áron | Zrubka Zsombor | Baji Petra | Kovács Levente | Gulácsi László |
Developing a Health Support System to Promote Care for the Elderly
Szántó Marcell | Dénes-Fazakas Lehel | Noboa Erick | Kovács Levente | Borsos Döníz | Eigner György | Dulf Éva-H. |
WEBA dataset as the Reflection of Work content effect on Workload perception in Real life Working conditions
Tran Tuan-anh | Eigner György | Abonyi János | Ruppert Tamás |
The Role of Parental Self-Efficacy, Capability Well-Being and Electronic Health Literacy in Pediatric Diabetes Management: Insights from a Longitudinal Analysis of Glucose Sensor Data
Á Hölgyesi | Luczay A | Tóth-Heyn P. | Muzslay E | Világos E | Szabó A | Baji P | Kovács L | Gulácsi L | Zrubka Z | Péntek M |
The potential of RFID technology for tracking Mangalica pigs in the extensive farming system–a research from Hungary
Alexy Marta | Pai Rohit Rameshkumar | Ferenci Tamas | Haidegger Tamas |
Favipiravir does not improve viral clearance in mild to moderate COVID-19 – a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Bahar Muh. Akbar | Kusuma Ikhwan Yuda | Visnyovszki Ádám | Matuz Mária | Benkő Ria | Ferenci Tamás | Szabó Bálint Gergely | Hajdú Edit | Pető Zoltán | Csupor Dezső |
A folyamatos glükózmonitorozás paraméterei és az albuminuria közötti összefüggés 1-es típusú cukorbetegekben
Barkai László | Rácz Olivér | Eigner György | Kovács Levente |
Chemotherapy optimization and patient model parameter estimation based on noisy measurements
Borbála Gergics | Melania Puskás | Lilla Kisbenedek | Martin Ferenc Dömény | Levente Kovács | Dániel András Drexler |
Special Report on the Consensus QIBA Profile for Objective Analytical Validation of Non-calcified and High-risk Plaque and Other Biomarkers using Computed Tomography Angiography
Buckler Andrew J. | Abbara Suhny | Budoff Matthew J. | Carr John Jeffrey | De Cecco Carlo N. | DeMarco J. Kevin | Ferencik Maros | Figtree Gemma A. | Ikuta Ichiro | Kolossváry Márton | Konrad Mathis | Lal Brajesh K. | Marques Hugo | Moss Alastair J. | Obuchowski Nancy A. | van Beek Edwin J.R. | Virmani Renu | Williams Michelle C. | Saba Luca | Joseph Schoepf U. |
Comparative analysis of post-PCI fractional flow reserve and quantitative flow ratio in predicting long-term Target Vessel Failure and hard endpoints
Csanadi B. | Ferenci T. | Gal R. | Bora N. | Piroth Z. |
Comparative Analysis of Post-PCI Fractional Flow Reserve and Quantitative Flow Ratio in Predicting Long-term Target Vessel Failure and Hard Endpoints
Csanadi Bettina | Ferenci Tamas | Gal Robert | Piroth Zsolt |
Personalized food consumption detection with deep learning and Inertial Measurement Unit sensor
Dénes-Fazakas Lehel | Simon Barbara | Hartvég Ádám | Szilágyi László | Kovács Levente | Mosavi Amir | Eigner György |
Reinforcement Learning: A Paradigm Shift in Personalized Blood Glucose Management for Diabetes
Dénes-Fazakas Lehel | Szilágyi László | Kovács Levente | De Gaetano Andrea | Eigner György |
Distributed consensus of nonlinear stochastic multi-agent systems with input and output delays via predictive control
Deng Dinglin | He Ping | Shi Peng | Kovacs Levente |
Stabilization of nonlinear stochastic systems with input and output delays via event-triggered predictive control
Deng Ding-Lin | He Ping | Shi Peng | Kovacs Levente |
A Model of the Maldistribution of Ventilation and Perfusion, in the Lungs of Heart Failure Patients
D’Orsi Laura | Pósfai Gergely | De Gaetano Andrea |
Detecting critical supervision intervals during in silico chemotherapy treatments
Dömény Martin Ferenc | Puskás Melánia | Kovács Levente | Mac Thi Thoa | Drexler Dániel András |
Personalized therapy using drug delivery devices
Drexler D.A. | Gergics B. | Puskás M. | Haidegger T.P. | Kovács L.A. |
Stability analysis of the singular points and Hopf bifurcations of a tumor growth control model
Drexler D.A. | Nagy I. | Romanovski V.G. |
Extension of HAAS for the management of cognitive load
Eesee Abdulrahman K. | Jaskó Szilárd | Eigner György | Abonyi János | Ruppert Tamás |
Mikor tör ki járvány?
Ferenci Tamás |
Outlier Identification with MFV-robustified Linear Regression in case of Economic Convergence of EU NUTS Regions
Ferenc Tolner | Balázs Barta | György Eigner |
Cloud Integration of Industrial IoT Systems. Architecture, Security Aspects and Sample Implementations
Ferencz Katalin | Domokos József | Kovács Levente |
Computer-Assisted Algorithm for Quantification of Fibrosis by Native Cardiac CT: A Pilot Study
Gonciar Diana | Berciu Alexandru-George | Dulf Eva-Henrietta | Orzan Rares Ilie | Mocan Teodora | Danku Alex Ede | Lorenzovici Noemi | Agoston-Coldea Lucia |
Strategies and Outcomes of Building a Successful University Research and Innovation Ecosystem
Haidegger Tamás P. | Galambos Péter | Tar József K. | Kovács Levente A. | Kozlovszky Miklós | Zrubka Zsombor | Eigner György | Drexler Dániel A. | Szakál Anikó | Reicher Viktória | Árendás Csaba | Tarsoly Sándor | Garamvölgyi Tivadar | Rudas Imre J. |
Robot-assisted surgery and artificial intelligence-based tumour diagnostics: social preferences with a representative cross-sectional survey
Hölgyesi Áron | Zrubka Zsombor | Gulácsi László | Baji Petra | Haidegger Tamás | Kozlovszky Miklós | Weszl Miklós | Kovács Levente | Péntek Márta |
The Impact of Parental Electronic Health Literacy on Disease Management and Outcomes in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Cross-Sectional Clinical Study
Hölgyesi Áron | Luczay Andrea | Tóth-Heyn Péter | Muzslay Eszter | Világos Eszter | Szabó Attila J | Baji Petra | Kovács Levente | Gulácsi László | Zrubka Zsombor | Péntek Márta |
Comparative analysis of late gadolinium enhancement assessment techniques for monitoring fibrotic changes in myocarditis follow-up
Károlyi Mihály | Polacin Malgorzata | Kolossváry Márton | Sokolska Justyna M. | Matziris Ioannis | Weber Lucas | Alkadhi Hatem | Manka Robert |
Coronary Plaque Radiomic Phenotypes Predict Fatal or Nonfatal Myocardial Infarction
Kolossváry Márton | Lin Andrew | Kwiecinski Jacek | Cadet Sebastien | Slomka Piotr J. | Newby David E. | Dweck Marc R. | Williams Michelle C. | Dey Damini |
Morphology of Chronic Total Occlusions Is Important for Intervention—Radiomics Strikes Again
Kolossváry Márton |
Preface: Special Issue on Computational Cybernetics and Cyber-Medical Systems
Kovács Levente | Thang Huynh Quyet |
Positive Impulsive Control of Tumor Therapy—A Cyber-Medical Approach
Kovács Levente | Ferenci Tamás | Gombos Balázs | Füredi András | Rudas Imre | Szakács Gergely | Drexler Dániel András |
An Effective and Robust Parameter Estimation Method in a Self-Developed, Ultra-Low Frequency Impedance Spectroscopy Technique for Large Impedances
Kuljic Bojan | Vizvari Zoltan | Gyorfi Nina | Klincsik Mihaly | Sari Zoltan | Kovacs Florian | Juhos Katalin | Szakall Tibor | Odry Akos | Kovacs Levente | Tadic Vladimir | Siljegovic Mirjana | Odry Peter | Kecskes Istvan |
The metabolic effect of Momordica charantia cannot be determined based on the available clinical evidence : a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
Laczkó-Zöld Eszter | Csupor-Löffler Boglárka | Kolcsár Edina-Blanka | Ferenci Tamás | Nan Monica | Tóth Barbara | Csupor Dezső |
Enhancing Brain Tumor Diagnosis with L-Net: A Novel Deep Learning Approach for MRI Image Segmentation and Classification
Lehel Dénes-Fazakas | Levente Kovács | György Eigner | László Szilágyi |
Physical activity detection for diabetes mellitus patients using recurrent neural networks
Lehel Dénes-Fazakas | Barbara Simon | Ádám Hartveg | Levente Kovács | Éva-Henrietta Dulf | László Szilágyi | György Eigner |
Securing the Future After PagerBombs: Lifecycle Protection of Smart Devices via Blockchain Intelligence
Lin Fei | Ni Qinghua | Yang Jing | Li Juanjuan | Zheng Nan | Kovacs Levente | Prodan Radu | Dotoli Mariagrazia | Han Qing-Long | Wang Fei-Yue |
A fájdalom intenzitását mérő skálák összehasonlítása ágyéki gerincfájdalommal élők körében
Nagy Zoltán | Kiss Nóra | Szigeti Mátyás | Áfra Judit | Lekka Norbert | Misik Ferenc | Mucsi István | Banczerowski Péter |
Construct validity of the Hungarian Version of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System-29 Profile Among Patients With Low Back Pain
Nagy Zoltán | Kiss Nóra | Szigeti Mátyás | Áfra Judit | Lekka Norbert | Misik Ferenc | Mucsi István | Banczerowski Péter |
Subject Conditioning for Motor Imagery using Attention Mechanism
Nemes Ádám Gyula | Eigner György |
Application of Deep Learning to Enhance Finger Movement Classification Accuracy from UHD-EEG Signals
Nemes Ádám Gyula | Shi Peng | Eigner György |
Subjective Expectations on Having Implanted Medical Devices at Older Ages: Results of a Cross-Sectional Population Survey
Pentek M | Á Hölgyesi | Zrubka Z | Kovács L | Gulácsi L |
Constructing Socially-Inspired Networks Using the Static Edge Voting Model
Pethes R. | Kovács L. |
The Core Might Change Anyhow We Define It: The Instability of Key Actors in Longitudinal Social Network Data
Pethes Róbert | Bodor-Eranus Eliza | Takács Károly | Kovács Levente |
Vessel- Specific Interpretation of Pre- and Post-PCI FFR in the Post-PCI FLOW Metanalysis
Piroth Zsolt | Ferenci Tamas | Hwang Doyeon | Koo Bon-Kwon |
Parametric Activation Functions for Neural Networks: A Tutorial Survey
Pusztaházi Luca Sára | Eigner György | Csiszár Orsolya |
Paraméteres aktivációs függvény és jelentősége a neurális hálók értelmezhetőségében
Pusztaházi Luca Sára | Eigner György | Csiszár Orsolya |
Evaluation of a Video-Based Concept for Hand Hygiene Education of Parents in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Rittenschober-Boehm Judith | Strassl Johanna | Kletecka-Pulker Maria | Szeremy Peter | Haidegger Tamas | Ferenci Tamas | Berger Angelika | Wagner Michael |
A Driver Fatigue Recognition System, Based on an Artificial Neural Network
Shvets Olga | Smakanov Bauyrzhan | Györök György | Kovács Levente |
Advancing Medical Assistance: Developing an Effective Hungarian-Language Medical Chatbot with Artificial Intelligence
Simon Barbara | Hartveg Ádám | Dénes-Fazakas Lehel | Szilágyi László | Eigner György |
Photon-counting detector CT reduces the rate of referrals to invasive coronary angiography as compared to CT with whole heart coverage energy-integrating detector
Simon Judit | Hrenkó Áron | Kerkovits Nóra Melinda | Nagy Kristóf | Vértes Miklós | Balogh Hanna | Nagy Norbert | Munkácsi Tamás | Emrich Tilman | Varga-Szemes Akos | Boussoussou Melinda | Vattay Borbála | Vecsey-Nagy Milán | Kolossváry Márton | Szilveszter Bálint | Merkely Béla | Maurovich-Horvat Pál |
Ötéves sztatinperzisztencia akut myocardialis infarktus után, korábban sztatint nem szedőkben
Simonyi Gábor | Ferenci Tamás | Finta Ervin | Medvegy Mihály |
Low-Cost Autonomous Trains and Safety Systems Implementation, using Computer Vision
Suciu Dan Andrei | Dulf Eva -H. | Kovacs Levente |
Advancing Personalized Diabetes Management: Enabling Research-Driven Closed-Loop Control with AndroidAPS
Szász László | Simon Barbara | Dénes-Fazakas Lehel | Szilágyi László | Kovács Levente | Eigner György |
Special Issue: Artificial Intelligence Technology in Medical Image Analysis
Szilagyi Laszlo | Kovacs Levente |
Reaction to Idiosyncratic Economic Shocks—Economic Resilience of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Tolner Ferenc | Barta Balázs | Eigner György |
Ranking resilience: assessing the impact of scientific performance and the expansion of the Times Higher Education Word University Rankings on the position of Czech, Hungarian, Polish, and Slovak universities
Tóth Barbara | Motahari-Nezhad Hossein | Horseman Nicki | Berek László | Kovács Levente | Hölgyesi Áron | Péntek Márta | Mirjalili Seyedali | Gulácsi László | Zrubka Zsombor |
Qualitative and quantitative image quality of coronary CT angiography using photon-counting computed tomography: Standard and Ultra-high resolution protocols
Vattay Borbála | Boussoussou Melinda | Vecsey-Nagy Milán | Kolossváry Márton | Juhász Dénes | Kerkovits Nóra | Balogh Hanna | Nagy Norbert | Vértes Miklós | Kiss Máté | Kubovje Anikó | Merkely Béla | Maurovich Horvat Pál | Szilveszter Bálint |
Low-attenuation coronary plaque burden and troponin release in chronic coronary syndrome: A mediation analysis
Vecsey-Nagy Milán | Kolossváry Márton | Varga-Szemes Akos | Boussoussou Melinda | Vattay Borbála | Nagy Martin | Juhász Dénes | Merkely Béla | Radovits Tamás | Szilveszter Bálint |
Metacracy: A New Governance Paradigm Beyond Bounded Intelligence
Wang Fei-Yue | Qin Rui | Li Juanjuan | Kovacs Levente | Hu Bin |
Novel Sliding Innovation Filter Inspired Fault Detection for Hydrofoil Attitude Control Systems
Wang Tao | Xu Dezhi | Jiang Bin | Shi Peng | Kovacs Levente |
Artificial intelligence and machine learning for cardiovascular computed tomography (CCT): A white paper of the society of cardiovascular computed tomography (SCCT)
Williams Michelle C. | Weir-McCall Jonathan R. | Baldassarre Lauren A. | De Cecco Carlo N. | Choi Andrew D. | Dey Damini | Dweck Marc R. | Isgum Ivana | Kolossvary Márton | Leipsic Jonathon | Lin Andrew | Lu Michael T. | Motwani Manish | Nieman Koen | Shaw Leslee | van Assen Marly | Nicol Edward |
Robust Trajectory Tracking of a Quadrotor via Cascade Barrier-Function Super Twisting Control
Xu Jing | Cai Yunsong | Niu Yugang | Shi Peng | Levente Kovacs |
TransRAG for parallel transportation: toward reliable and trustworthy transportation systems via retrieval-augmented generation
Yang Jing | Dai Xingyuan | Lv Yisheng | Kovacs Levente | Wang Fei-Yue |
Exploring a Markov Model Framework to Quantify Societal Preferences, Concerning Age and Severity of Disease, for Health Resource Allocation
Zrubka Zsombor | Hermann Zoltán | Péntek Márta | Kovács Levente | Drexler Dániel András | Békésy Mariann | Gulácsi László |
The Reporting Quality of Machine Learning Studies on Pediatric Diabetes Mellitus: Systematic Review
Zrubka Zsombor | Kertész Gábor | Gulácsi László | Czere János | Hölgyesi Áron | Nezhad Hossein Motahari | Mosavi Amir | Kovács Levente | Butte Atul J | Péntek Márta |
Association of Children's Type 1 Diabetes with Parents' Capability Well-Being Assessed By the ICECAP-A Measure
Á Hölgyesi | Zrubka Z. | Luczay A. | Tóth-Heyn P. | Muzslay E. | Szabó A. | Világos E. | Gulácsi L. | Kovács L. | Péntek M. |
Fractional calculus in mathematical oncology
Alinei-Poiana Tudor | Dulf Eva-H. | Kovacs Levente |
Precognition of mental health and neurogenerative disorders using AI-parsed text and sentiment analysis
Biro Attila | Cuesta-Vargas Antonio Ignacio | Szilagyi Laszlo |
Optimal Training Dataset Preparation for AI-Supported Multilanguage Real-Time OCRs Using Visual Methods
Biro Attila | Szilagyi Sandor Miklos | Szilagyi Laszlo |
Machine Learning on Prediction of Relative Physical Activity Intensity Using Medical Radar Sensor and 3D Accelerometer
Biró Attila | Szilágyi Sándor Miklós | Szilágyi László | Martín-Martín Jaime | Cuesta-Vargas Antonio Ignacio |
Synthetized Multilanguage OCR Using CRNN and SVTR Models for Realtime Collaborative Tools
Biró Attila | Cuesta-Vargas Antonio Ignacio | Martín-Martín Jaime | Szilágyi László | Szilágyi Sándor Miklós |
Functional Assessment of Long-Term Microvascular Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy
Bora Noemi | Balogh Orsolya | Ferenci Tamás | Piroth Zsolt |
Coronary CT-based FFR in patients with acute myocardial infarction might predict follow-up invasive FFR
Boussoussou Melinda | Édes István F | Nowotta Fanni | Vattay Borbála | Vecsey-Nagy Milán | Drobni Zsófia | Simon Judit | Kolossváry Márton | Németh Balázs | Jermendy Ádám L | Becker Dávid | Leipsic Jonathon | Rogers Campbell | Collinsworth Amy | Maurovich-Horvat Pál | Merkely Béla | Szilveszter Bálint |
Gambling when Facebook is down – a behavioural tracking data study
Czako A. | Villalba-García C. | Ferenci T. | Maldonado-Murciano L. | Shaw C. A. | Griffiths M. D. | Demetrovics Z. |
Proof of Concept Control of a T1DM Model Using Robust Fixed-Point Transformations via Sliding Mode Differentiators
Czakó Bence | Drexler Dániel András | Kovács Levente |
Clinical Implications of Fractional Flow Reserve Measured Immediately After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Csanádi Bettina | Ferenci Tamás | Fülöp Gábor | Piróth Z. |
Two U-net Architectures for Infant Brain Tissue Segmentation from Multi-Spectral MRI Data
Dénes-Fazakas Lehel | Eigner György | Kovács Levente | Szilágyi László |
Effect of belief in conspiracy theories on changes of mental health and suicidal ideation during the COVID-19 pandemic
Elek Livia Priyanka | Szigeti Matyas | Erdelyi-Hamza Berta | Vadon Nikolett Beata | Foutoulakis Konstantinos N. | Smirnova Daria | Gonda Xenia |
Comparing methods to predict baseline mortality for excess mortality calculations
Ferenci Tamás |
External validation of the GRACE risk score in patients with myocardial infarction in Hungary
Ferenci Tamás | Hári Péter | Vájer Péter | Jánosi András |
Fractional-Order Control of Fluid Composition Conductivity
Giurgiu Raluca | Dulf Eva-H. | Kovács Levente |
Current development on the Operator 4.0 and transition towards the Operator 5.0: A systematic literature review in light of Industry 5.0
Gladysz Bartlomiej | Tran Tuan-anh | Romero David | van Erp Tim | Abonyi János | Ruppert Tamás |
Új eszköz a mozgásszervi problémákkal élők egészségének értékelésére: a Musculoskeletal Health Questionnaire
Hölgyesi Áron | Gulácsi László | Zrubka Zsombor | Poór Gyula | Kovács Levente | Baji Petra | Péntek Márta |
Epidemiology and patients’ self-reported knowledge of implantable medical devices: Results of a cross-sectional survey in Hungary
Hölgyesi Áron | Tóth Barbara | Kozlovszky Miklós | Kuti József | Weszl Miklós | Balázs György | Baji Petra | Kovács Levente | Gulácsi László | Zrubka Zsombor | Péntek Márta |
Az ST-elevációval járó szívinfarktusos betegek ellátásának és prognózisának hosszú távú vizsgálata a Nemzeti Szívinfarktus Regiszter adatbázisában
Jánosi András | Ferenci Tamás | Piróth Zsolt | Andréka Péter |
A randomized controlled trial to investigate the use of acute coronary syndrome therapy in patients hospitalized with COVID-19: the COVID-19 Acute Coronary Syndrome trial
Kanagaratnam P. | Francis D.P. | Chamie D. | Coyle C. | Marynina A. | Katritsis G. | Paiva P. | Szigeti M. | Cole G. | de Andrade Nunes D. | Howard J. | Esper R. | Khan M. | More R. | Barreto G. | Meneguz-Moreno R. | Arnold A. | Nowbar A. | Kaura A. | Mariveles M. | March K. | Shah J. | Nijjer S. | Lip G.Y.H. | Mills N. | Camm A.J. | Cooke G.S. | Corbett S.J. | Llewelyn M.J. | Ghanima W. | Toshner M. | Peters N. | Petraco R. | Al-Lamee R. | Boshoff A.S.M. | Durkina M. | Malik I. | Ruparelia N. | Cornelius V. | Shun-Shin M. |
Predicting the Number of GHB-Related Toxicologic Admissions Using Google Trends Data
Kapitány-Fövény Máté | Ferenci Tamás | Demetrovics Zsolt | Sulyok Mihály |
Kocsis G. | Garam N. | Javorfi T. | Svebis M. | Toth B. | Ferenci T. | Eigner G. | Barkai L. | Kovacs L. A. |
The Response
Kolossvary Marton | Raghu Vineet K. | Nagurney John T. | Hoffmann Udo | Lu Michael T. |
Deep Learning Analysis of Chest Radiographs to Triage Patients with Acute Chest Pain Syndrome
Kolossváry Márton | Raghu Vineet K. | Nagurney John T. | Hoffmann Udo | Lu Michael T. |
Mesterséges hasnyálmirigy közösségi fejlesztése – kitekintés a „csináld magad” mozgalomra
Kovács Levente | Eigner György | Tóth Rebeka | Siket Máté | Novák Kamilla | Kocsis Győző | Barkai László |
Egyenes gerinccel szórványból a budapesti rektori címig: Kovács Levente életútjáról, az informatika "gyógyerejéről"
Kovács Levente |
Identification of non-calcified coronary plaque characteristics using machine learning radiomic analysis of non-contrast high-resolution computed tomography.
Kruk Mariusz | Wardziak Łukasz | Kolossvary Marton | Maurovich-Horvat Pal | Demkow Marcin | Kępka Cezary |
Latent Coronary Plaque Morphology From Computed Tomography Angiography, Molecular Disease Activity on Positron Emission Tomography, and Clinical Outcomes
Kwiecinski Jacek | Kolossváry Márton | Tzolos Evangelos | Meah Mohammed N. | Adamson Philip D. | Joshi Nikhil V. | Williams Michelle C. | van Beek Edwin J.R. | Berman Daniel S. | Maurovich-Horvat Pál | Newby David E. | Dweck Marc R. | Dey Damini | Slomka Piotr J. |
A generalized fuzzy-possibilistic c-means clustering algorithm
Naghi Mirtill-Boglarka | Kovacs Levente | Szilagyi Laszlo |
Enhanced imagistic methodologies augmenting radiological image processing in interstitial lung diseases
Palatka Jozsef | Kovacs Levente | Szilagyi Laszlo |
Coronary CTA Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Quicker Examination Protocol with Preserved Image Quality Using a Dedicated Cardiac Scanner
Panajotu Alexisz | Vecsey-Nagy Milán | Jermendy Ádám Levente | Boussoussou Melinda | Vattay Borbála | Kolossváry Márton | Dombrády Örs Zs. | Csobay-Novák Csaba | Merkely Béla | Szilveszter Bálint |
EQ-5D Studies in Pediaric Diabetes: A Systematic Review
Péntek M. | Hölgyesi Á | Czere J. | Kovács L. | Zrubka Z. | Gulácsi L. |
Exploring Robustness in Blood Glucose Control with Unannounced Meal Intake for Type-1 Diabetes Patient
Peter Szalay | Daniel Andras Drexler | Levente Kovacs |
An Exact and an Approximation Method to Compute the Degree Distribution of Inhomogeneous Random Graph Using Poisson Binomial Distribution
Pethes Róbert | Kovács Levente |
Further evolution of mortality prediction with ensemble-based models on Hungarian Myocardial Infarction Registry
Piros Péter | Fleiner Rita | Jánosi András | Kovács Levente |
The journal of cardiovascular computed tomography: A year in review: 2022
Pontone Gianluca | Mushtaq Saima | Al'Aref Subhi J. | Andreini Daniele | Baggiano Andrea | Canan Arzu | Cavalcante Joao L. | Chelliah Anjali | Chen Marcus | Choi Andrew | Damini Dey | De Cecco Carlo Nicola | Farooqi Kanwal M. | Ferencik Maros | Feuchtner Gudrun | Hecht Harvey | Gransar Heidi | Kolossváry Márton | Leipsic Jonathon | Lu Michael T. | Marwan Mohamed | Ng Ming-Yen | Maurovich-Horvat Pál | Nagpal Prashant | Nicol Ed | Weir-McCall Jonathan | Whelton Seamus P. | Williams Michelle C. | Reid Anna | Fairbairn Timothy A. | Villines Todd | Vliegenthart Rosemarie | Arbab-Zadeh Armin |
Sample-in-the-Loop Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging Based on Optimization
Siket M | Jánoki I | Nagy Á | Földesy P |
Siket M. | Novak K. | Eigner G. | Kovacs L. A. |
Renin-angiotenzin-aldoszteron-rendszer-gátlók fix gyógyszer-kombinációinak egyéves perzisztenciája hypertoniás betegekben
Simonyi Gábor | Ferenci Tamás | Finta Ervin | Medvegy Mihály | Wittmann István |
Benefits and Harms of Edible Vegetable Oils and Fats Fortified with Vitamins A and D as a Public Health Intervention in the General Population: A Systematic Review of Interventions
Szabó Éva | Csölle Ildikó | Felső Regina | Kuellenberg de Gaudry Daniela | Nyakundi Patrick Nyamemba | Ibrahim Kazahyet | Metzendorf Maria-Inti | Ferenci Tamás | Lohner Szimonetta |
The Use of Extreme Value Statistics to Characterize Blood Glucose Curves and Patient Level Risk Assessment of Patients With Type I Diabetes
Szigeti Mátyás | Ferenci Tamás | Kovács Levente |
Robust clustering based on the most frequent value method
Tolner Ferenc | Fegyverneki Sándor | Barta Balázs | Eigner György |
Kezeljük vagy sem a hipertóniát az idős, elesett állapotú betegeknél?
Torzsa Péter | Kalabay László | Csatlós Dalma | Hargittay Csenge | Márkus Bernadett | Mohos András | Tripolszky Bálint | Szigeti Mátyás | Ferenci Tamás | Marjolein Verschoor | Rozsnyai Zsófia | Jacobijn Gussekloo | Rosalinde K.E. Poortvliet | Sven Streit |
Assessing human worker performance by pattern mining of Kinect sensor skeleton data
Tran Tuan-anh | Ruppert Tamás | Eigner György | Abonyi János |
Heart Rate Variability Measurement to Assess Acute Work-Content-Related Stress of Workers in Industrial Manufacturing Environment—A Systematic Scoping Review
Tran Tuan-Anh | Péntek Márta | Motahari-Nezhad Hossein | Abonyi János | Kovács Levente | Gulácsi László | Eigner György | Zrubka Zsombor | Ruppert Tamás |
Impact of virtual monoenergetic levels on coronary plaque volume components using photon-counting computed tomography.
Vattay Borbála | Szilveszter Bálint | Boussoussou Melinda | Vecsey-Nagy Milán | Lin Andrew | Konkoly Gábor | Kubovje Anikó | Schwarz Florian | Merkely Béla | Maurovich-Horvat Pál | Williams Michelle C | Dey Damini | Kolossváry Márton |
Calcium scoring on coronary computed angiography tomography with photon-counting detector technology: Predictors of performance
Vecsey-Nagy M. | Varga-Szemes A. | Emrich T. | Zsarnoczay E. | Nagy N. | Fink N. | Schmidt B. | Nowak T. | Kiss M. | Vattay B. | Boussoussou M. | Kolossváry M. | Kubovje A. | Merkely B. | Maurovich-Horvat P. | Szilveszter B. |
The Impact of Novel Reconstruction Algorithms on Calcium Scoring: Results on a Dedicated Cardiac CT Scanner
Vecsey-Nagy Milán | Jokkel Zsófia | Jermendy Ádám Levente | Nagy Martin | Boussoussou Melinda | Vattay Borbála | Kolossváry Márton | Csobay-Novák Csaba | Amin-Spector Sigal | Merkely Béla | Szilveszter Bálint |
Visual Object Detection with DETR to Support Video-Diagnosis Using Conference Tools
Biró Attila | Jánosi-Rancz Katalin Tünde | Szilágyi László | Cuesta-Vargas Antonio Ignacio | Martín-Martín Jaime | Szilágyi Sándor Miklós |
Comparison of management and outcomes of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients in Estonia, Hungary, Norway, and Sweden according to national ongoing registries
Blöndal Mai | Ainla Tiia | Eha Jaan | Lõiveke Piret | Marandi Toomas | Saar Aet | Veldre Gudrun | Edfors Robert | Lewinter Christian | Jernberg Tomas | Jortveit Jarle | Halvorsen Sigrun | Becker Dávid | Csanádi Zoltán | Ferenci Tamas | Andréka Péter | Jánosi András |
Fractional Order Distributed Model Predictive Control of Fast and Strong Interacting Systems
Chi Chuanguo | Cajo Ricardo | Zhao Shiquan | Liu Guo-Ping | Ionescu Clara-Mihaela |
Discrete time derivation of the Robust Fixed-Point Transformation method
Czakó Bence Géza | Drexler Dániel András | Kovács Levente |
Uninorm-like parametric activation functions for human-understandable neural models
Csiszár Orsolya | Pusztaházi Luca Sára | Dénes-Fazakas Lehel | Gashler Michael S. | Kreinovich Vladik | Csiszár Gábor |
Health outcomes associated with micronutrient-fortified complementary foods in infants and young children aged 6-23 months: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Csölle Ildikó | Felső Regina | Szabó Éva | Metzendorf Maria-Inti | Schwingshackl Lukas | Ferenci Tamás | Lohner Szimonetta |
Towards personalized medicine by mathematical modeling of tumors
Drexler Dániel András | Kovács Levente | Moza Gheorghe |
Differences in characteristics, treatments and outcomes in patients with non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction: novel insights from four national European continuous real-world registries
Edfors Robert | Jernberg Tomas | Lewinter Christian | Blöndal Mai | Eha Jaan | Lõiveke Piret | Marandi Toomas | Ainla Tiia | Saar Aet | Veldre Gudrun | Ferenci Tamas | Andréka Péter | Jánosi András | Jortveit Jarle | Halvorsen Sigrun |
Model Predictive Tumour Volume Control using Nonlinear Optimization
Eigner Gy | Siket M | Czakó B | Drexler D A | Rudas I | Zarándy Á | Kovács L |
Association of lifestyle changes during the pandemic are associated depression and its distinct symptom clusters – consideration for prevention and intervention
Elek Livia Priyanka | Szigeti Matyas | Erdelyi-Hamza Berta | Vadon Nikolett Beata | Fountoulakis Konstantinos N. | Smirnova Daria | Gonda Xenia |
Ankle Brachial Index is a strong predictor of mortality in hypertensive patients: results of a five-year follow-up study
Farkas Katalin | Kolossváry Endre | Ferenci Tamás | Paksy András | Kiss István | Járai Zoltán |
Kulcsfontosságú járványügyi paraméterek meghatározása a COVID-19 pandémia során
Ferenci Tamás | Tóth G. Csaba |
The Author Replies
Ferenci Tamás |
RBD-specific antibody responses after two doses of BBIBP-CorV (Sinopharm, Beijing CNBG) vaccine
Ferenci Tamás | Sarkadi Balázs |
Correction of overexposure in laser speckle contrast imaging
Földesy P | Siket M | Nagy Á | Jánoki I |
Temperature measurement with photodiodes: Application to laser diode temperature monitoring
Földesy P | Jánoki I | Nagy Á | Siket M | Zarándy Á |
Enhancing Cross-border Co-operation of Business Organizations based on the Investigation of Textual- and Categorical Information
F. Tolner | B. Barta | M. Takács | Gy. Eigner |
A two-stage U-net approach to brain tumor segmentation from multi-spectral MRI records
Győrfi Ágnes | Kovács Levente | Szilágyi László |
Severity of depressive but not anxiety symptoms impacts glucose metabolism among patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care
Hargittay Csenge | Eöry Ajándék | Márkus Bernadett | Mohos András | Ferenci Tamás | Vörös Krisztián | Rihmer Zoltán | Gonda Xenia | Torzsa Péter |
Sex-related differences in the management and outcomes of patients hospitalized with ST-elevation myocardial infarction: a comparison within four European myocardial infarction registries
Hellgren Tora | Blöndal Mai | Jortveit Jarle | Ferenci Tamas | Faxén Jonas | Lewinter Christian | Eha Jaan | Lõiveke Piret | Marandi Toomas | Ainla Tiia | Saar Aet | Veldre Gudrun | Andréka Péter | Halvorsen Sigrun | Jánosi András | Edfors Robert |
Real-Time Monitoring of the Effectiveness of Six COVID-19 Vaccines against Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 in Hungary in 2021 Using the Screening Method
Horváth J. Krisztina | Ferenci Tamás | Ferenczi Annamária | Túri Gergő | Röst Gergely | Oroszi Beatrix |
New Methods for Contextual Communication in Modeling Software Platform (MSP)
Horváth László | Kovács Levente |
Hölgyesi Á | Tóth B | Kozlovszky M | Kuti J | Weszl M | Balázs G | Baji P | Kovács L | Gulácsi L | Zrubka Z | Péntek M |
Hölgyesi Á | Tóth B | Kozlovszky M | Kuti J | Weszl M | Balázs G | Baji P | Kovács L | Gulácsi L | Zrubka Z | Péntek M |
Epidemiology and Patients' Knowledge of Implantable Medical Device Management and Safe Use: Results of a CROSS-Sectional Survey Among the General Population in Hungary
Hölgyesi Á | Tóth B | Kozlovszky M | Kuti J | Weszl M | Baji P | Kovács L | Gulácsi L | Zrubka Z | Péntek M |
Robotsebészet alkalmazással kapcsolatos preferenciák csípőprotézis-beültetés esetén: keresztmetszeti kérdőíves felmérés a magyarországi lakosság körében
Hölgyesi Áron | Zrubka Zsombor | Gulácsi László | Kovács Levente | Tóth Barbara | Weszl Miklós | Balázs György | Kozlovszky Miklós | Kuti József | Baji Petra | Péntek Márta |
Validation of the Musculoskeletal Health Questionnaire in a general population sample: a cross-sectional online survey in Hungary
Hölgyesi Áron | Poór Gyula | Baji Petra | Zrubka Zsombor | Farkas Miklós | Dobos Ágota | Gulácsi László | Kovács Levente | Péntek Márta |
A thrombocytaaggregáció-gátló kezelés gyakorlata heveny szívinfarktusban
Jánosi András | Ferenci Tamás | Bársony Gábor | Szabóné Póth Anikó | Vajer Péter | Andréka Péter |
Evaluation of Isolation Area, Myocardial Injury and Left Atrial Function Following High-Power Short-Duration Radiofrequency or Second-Generation Cryoballoon Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation
Kassa Krisztian Istvan | Nagy Zsofia | Simkovits Daniel | Kis Zsuzsanna | Ferenci Tamas | Som Zoltan | Foldesi Csaba | Kardos Attila |
High Level of Unwarranted Clinical Variation in the Use of Lower Extremity Revascularisation Procedures in Hungary (2013–2017)
Kolossváry Endre | Ferenci Tamás | Kováts Tamás | Sótonyi Péter | Szeberin Zoltán | Nemes Balázs | Dósa Edit | Farkas Katalin | Járai Zoltán |
Spatial analysis of factors impacting lower limb major amputation rates in Hungary
Kolossváry Endre | Kolossváry Márton | Ferenci Tamás | Kováts Tamás | Farkas Katalin | Járai Zoltán |
Establishing a Learning Model for Correct Hand Hygiene Technique in a NICU
Kopcsóné Németh Irén A. | Nádor Csaba | Szilágyi László | Lehotsky Ákos | Haidegger Tamás |
Mesterséges hasnyálmirigy: automatizált cukorbeteg-kezelés mérnöki módszerekkel
Kovács Levente | Eigner György | Siket Máté | Barkai László |
Experimental Closed-Loop Control of Breast Cancer in Mice
Kovács Levente | Czakó Bence | Siket Máté | Ferenci Tamás | Füredi András | Gombos Balázs | Szakács Gergely | Drexler Dániel András |
HGG and LGG Brain Tumor Segmentation in Multi-Modal MRI Using Pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks of Amazon Sagemaker
Lefkovits Szidónia | Lefkovits László | Szilágyi László |
Detection of Physical Activity Using Machine Learning Methods Based on Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring and Heart Rate Signals
Lehel Dénes-Fazakas | Máté Siket | László Szilágy | Levente Kovács | György Eigner |
Rituximab versus intravenous cyclophosphamide in patients with connective tissue disease-associated interstitial lung disease in the UK (RECITAL): a double-blind, double-dummy, randomised, controlled, phase 2b trial
Maher Toby M | Tudor Veronica A | Saunders Peter | Gibbons Michael A | Fletcher Sophie V | Denton Christopher P | Hoyles Rachel K | Parfrey Helen | Renzoni Elisabetta A | Kokosi Maria | Wells Athol U | Ashby Deborah | Szigeti Matyas | Molyneaux Philip L | Akil Mohammed | Babalis Daphne | Chaudhuri Nazia | Chua Felix | Data Arnab | Desai Dhananjay | Dubey Shrish | Dwyer Natalie | Flather Marcus | Fordham Richard | Grossi Sampedro Carlota | Hall Frances | Jakupovic Ira | Keir Gregory | Patel Bipen | Penn Henry | Rajasekaran Arvind | Spencer Lisa G | Tsipouri Vicky | Wu Zhe | Xydopoulos Georgio | Zanghelini Fernando |
Deep Learning for Modeling an Offshore Hybrid Wind–Wave Energy System
Mahsa Dehghan | Milad Mousavi | M. Soltani | Amir Mosavi | Levente Kovacs |
Goal-oriented possibilistic fuzzy C-Medoid clustering of human mobility patterns—Illustrative application for the Taxicab trips-based enrichment of public transport services
Mezei Miklós | Felde Imre | Eigner György | Dörgő Gyula | Ruppert Tamás | Abonyi János |
Deep learning fuzzy immersion and invariance control for type-I diabetes
Mosavi Amir | Mohammadzadeh Ardashir | Rathinasamy Sakthivel | Zhang Chunwei | Reuter Uwe | Levente Kovacs | Adeli Hojjat |
Modeling the efficacy of different anti-angiogenic drugs on treatment of solid tumors using 3D computational modeling and machine learning
Mousavi Milad | Manshadi Mahsa Dehghan | Soltani Madjid | Kashkooli Farshad M. | Rahmim Arman | Mosavi Amir | Kvasnica Michal | Atkinson Peter M. | Kovács Levente | Koltay Andras | Kis Norbert | Adeli Hojjat |
Intelligent System for Driver Support Using Two Classifiers for Simulation
A védőoltások jelentősége a 18 éven felüli népesség COVID-19-cel összefüggő megbetegedési és halálozási kockázatának csökkentésében Magyarországon, 2021. augusztus 16. és 2022. február 6. között
Oroszi Beatrix | Ferenczi Annamária | Juhász Attila | Nagy Csilla | Ferenci Tamás | Túri Gergő | Horváth Judit Krisztina |
Citizens' Thoughts about Implantable Medical Devices: Results of a Cross-Sectional Survey Among the General Population in Hungary
Péntek M | Hölgyesi Á | Tóth B | Kozlovszky M | Kuti J | Weszl M | Czere J | Baji P | Kovács L | Gulácsi L | Zrubka Z |
Patients' Experiences with Shared Decision Making about Implantable Medical Device Surgery: Results of a Cross-Sectional Survey in Hungary
Péntek M | Kozlovszky M | Weszl M | Kuti J | Hölgyesi Á | Tóth B | Czere J | Baji P | Kovács L | Gulácsi L | Zrubka Z |
Prognostic Value of Measuring Fractional Flow Reserve after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in patients with Complex Coronary Artery Disease
Piroth Zsolt | Otsuki Hisao | Zimmermann Frederik M | Ferenci Tamás | Keulards Danielle | Yeung Alan C | Pijls Nico H J | De Bruyne Bernard | Fearon William F | |
A feature selection strategy using Markov clustering, for the optimization of brain tumor segmentation from MRI data
Pisak-Lukáts Ioan-Marius | Kovács Levente | László Szilágyi |
PlatypOUs—A Mobile Robot Platform and Demonstration Tool Supporting STEM Education
Rácz Melinda | Noboa Erick | Détár Borsa | Nemes Ádám | Galambos Péter | Szűcs László | Márton Gergely | Eigner György | Haidegger Tamás |
Detection of pneumonia using convolutional neural networks and deep learning
Szepesi Patrik | Szilágyi László |
Real-world effectiveness of IDegLira compared with intensified conventional insulin therapy in adults with type 2 diabetes: a retrospective cohort study
Szépkúti Sándor | Bandur Szilvia | Kovács Gábor | Ferenci Tamás | Svébis Márk M. | Turbucz Piroska | Tabák Ádám G. |
Abstraction in teaching ways of control engineering to support the understanding of mathematics behind Industry 4.0 – a Hungarian approach
Tar József | Varga Bence | Galambos Péter | Szűcs László | Siket Máté | Varga Árpád | Eigner György | Kovács Levente |
Control Engineering Methods for Blood Glucose Levels Regulation
Tašić Jelena | Takács Márta | Kovács Levente |
Vérnyomáscsökkentés nagyon idős és esendő állapotú betegeknél: az alapellátásbeli gyakorlat kérdései
Torzsa Péter | Kalabay László | Csatlós Dalma | Hargittay Csenge | Márkus Bernadett | Mohos A | Szigeti M | Ferenci Tamás | Verschoor Marjolein | Rozsnyai Zsófia | Gussekloo Jacobijn | Poortvliet Rosalinde K.E. | Streit Sven |
Retrofitting-based development of brownfield Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 solutions
Tran Tuan-anh | Ruppert Tamas | Eigner Gyorgy | Abonyi Janos |
Comparing actuarial and subjective healthy life expectancy estimates: A cross-sectional survey among the general population in Hungary
Zrubka Zsombor | Kincses Áron | Ferenci Tamás | Kovács Levente | Gulácsi László | Péntek Márta |
Prognostic Value of Early Risk Stratification in Pediatric Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Ablonczy L. | Ferenci T. | Somoskövi O. | Osváth R. | Reusz G.S. | Kis E. |
Comparing the measurement properties of the ICECAP-A and ICECAP-O instruments in ages 50–70
Baji Petra | Farkas Miklós | Dobos Ágota | Zrubka Zsombor | Kovács Levente | Gulácsi László | Péntek Márta |
Anatomy of a Data Science Software Toolkit That Uses Machine Learning to Aid ‘Bench-to-Bedside’ Medical Research—With Essential Concepts of Data Mining and Analysis Explained
Beinrohr László | Kail Eszter | Piros Péter | Tóth Erzsébet | Fleiner Rita | Kolev Krasimir |
Chemotherapy Optimization using Moving Horizon Estimation based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Czakó Bence | Siket Máté | Drexler Dániel András | Kovács Levente |
Introducing Copula as a Novel Statistical Method in Psychological Analysis
Dehghani Elham | Ranjbar Somayeh Hadad | Atashafrooz Moharram | Negarestani Hossein | Mosavi Amir | Kovacs Levente |
Predicting the Parameters of Vortex Bladeless Wind Turbine Using Deep Learning Method of Long Short-Term Memory
Dehghan Manshadi Mahsa | Ghassemi Majid | Mousavi Seyed Milad | Mosavi Amir H. | Kovacs Levente |
The prognostic value of immediate post-TAVI hemodynamic evaluation is superior to aortography and transoesophageal echocardiography in predicting patient survival
Dékány Gábor | Fontos Géza | Satish Sai | Szabó Gergely | Pintér Tünde | Piróth Zsolt | Vértesaljai Márton | Pál Mátyás | Mandzák Adrienn | Gulyás Zalán | Gharehdaghi Sara | Ferenci Tamás | Andréka Péter |
Optimization of low dose metronomic therapy based on pharmacological parameters
Drexler D.A. | Kovács L. |
Development of Population Tariffs for the ICECAP-A Instrument for Hungary and their Comparison With the UK Tariffs
Farkas Miklós | Huynh Elisabeth | Gulácsi László | Zrubka Zsombor | Dobos Ágota | Kovács Levente | Baji Petra | Péntek Márta |
Bizalmunk az oltásban: bűnök és hibák
Ferenci Tamás |
Different approaches to quantify years of life lost from COVID-19
Ferenci Tamás |
A heveny szívinfarktus gyakoriságának és az általa okozott halálozás diurnalis és szezonális jellemzői Magyarországon: Országos regiszteradatok [Diurnal and seasonal patterns in the incidence and mortality of acute myocardial infarction in Hungary: A nationwide, registry-based study]
Ferenci Tamás | Jánosi András |
Fibrinogen level at hospital admission after multiple injury correlates with BMI and is negatively associated with the need for transfusion and early multiple organ failure
Földesi Marcell | Merkei Zoltán | Ferenci Tamás | Nardai Gábor |
Ensemble averaging laser speckle contrast imaging: statistical model of improvement as function of static scatterers
Földesy P. | Siket M | Jánoki I | Demeter K | Nagy Á |
Physical Activity Detection Using Machine Intelligence
Gy. Eigner | L. Dénes-Fazekas | L. Szilágyi | M. Siket | L. Kovács |
A Fully Automatic Procedure for Brain Tumor Segmentation from Multi-Spectral MRI Records Using Ensemble Learning and Atlas-Based Data Enhancement
Győrfi Ágnes | Szilágyi László | Kovács Levente |
Gender differences in characteristics, treatment and outcomes in ST elevation myocardial infarction patients in four European countries
Hellgren T | Blondal M | Ainla T | Jortveit J | Eha J | Loiveke P | Marandi T | Saar A | Veldre G | Lewinter C | Halvorsen S | Ferenci T | Andreka P | Janosi A | Edfors R |
Engineering Platform as Integrated Software for Model Mediated Research
Horváth László | Kovács Levente |
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in patients treated for ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction: Incidence, clinical features, and prognosis based on population-level data from Hungary
Jánosi András | Ferenci Tamás | Tomcsányi János | Andréka Péter |
A kórelőzményben szereplő revascularisatiós műtét rövid és hosszú távú prognosztikai jelentősége szívinfarktus miatt kezelt betegekben [Short- and long-term prognostic significance of previous recanalization interventions in patients treated for myocardial infarction]
Jánosi András | Ferenci Tamás | Komócsi András | Andréka Péter |
Matematikai és számítógépes módszerek a kemoterápiás kezelések során kialakuló rezisztencia modellezésére
Kiss Dániel | Lovrics Anna | Szakács Gergely | Füredi András | Kovács Levente | Drexler Dániel |
Interjú Prof. Dr. Kovács Leventével, az Óbudai Egyetem rektorával
Kovács Levente | Trautmann László | Süle Ákos |
Kovács Levente | Haidegger Tamás |
Tudomány az Amfiteátrumnál
Kovács Levente |
Supraventricular tachycardias in neonates and infants: factors associated with fatal or near-fatal outcome
Környei László | Szabó Andrea | Róth György | Ferenci Tamás | Kardos Attila |
Effects of non-nutritive sweeteners on diabetes : Reply to Laviada-Molina et al.
Lohner Szimonetta | de Gaudry Daniela Kuellenberg | Toews Ingrid | Ferenci Tamás | Meerpohl Joerg J |
Forecasting the future number of pertussis cases using data from Google Trends
Nann D. | Walker M. | Frauenfeld L. | Ferenci T. | Sulyok M. |
Development of an EMG based SVM supported control solution for the PlatypOUs education mobile robot using MindRove headset
Noboa Erick | Rácz Melinda | Szűcs László | Galambos Péter | Márton Gergely | Eigner György |
Artificial Intelligence in Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis Using Clinical Data: Non-Invasive Approach
Noémi Lorenzovici | Eva-H Dulf | Teodora Mocan | Lucian Mocan |
Musculoskeletal health and capability wellbeing: associations between the HAQ-DI, ICECAP-A and ICECAP-O measures in a population survey
Péntek Márta | Poór Gyula | Gulácsi László | Zrubka Zsombor | Brodszky Valentin | Rencz Fanni | Dobos Ágota | Farkas Miklós | Kovács Levente | Baji Petra |
A glikációs index lehetséges magyarázata a hemoglobinglikáció biokinetikus modellje alapján = Possible explanation of the hemoglobin glycation index by the biokinetic model of glycation
Rácz Olivér | Barkai László | Eigner György | Kovács Levente | Bicsák Melinda | Muriová Katalin | Dombrovsky Péter |
Effect of Model, Observer and Their Interaction on State and Disturbance Estimation in Artificial Pancreas: An In-Silico Study
Sala-Mira I | Siket M | Kovács L | Eigner Gy | Bondia J |
Control of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus using Particle Swarm Optimization driven Receding Horizon Controller
Siket Máté | Novák Kamilla | Redjimi Hemza | Tar József | Kovács Levente | Eigner György |
Routing Performance and Continuous Session Reliability
Stefano-Niko Orzen | Levente Kovács |
Google Trends Data and COVID‐19 in Europe: Correlations and model enhancement are European wide
Sulyok Mihály | Ferenci Tamás | Walker Mark |
Inzulinrezisztencia és következményei gyermek- és serdülőkorban
Tobisch Borbála | Blatniczky László | Schusterova Ingrid | Kovács Levente | Barkai László |
Az élettartammal és az időskori betegségteherrel kapcsolatos szubjektív várakozások = Subjective expectations concerning life expectancy and age-related health burden
Zsombor Zrubka | Áron Kincses | László Gulácsi | Levente Kovács | Márta Péntek |
Control Challenges in Automated Vehicles with Alternative Powertrain Solutions
Árpád Takács | Tamás D. Nagy | Dániel A. Drexler | Imre J. Rudas | Tamás Haidegger |
Robust Hemodynamic Control Under General Anesthesia Conditions
Copot Dana | Muresan Cristina | Birs Isabela | Kovacs Levente |
Brain Tumor Segmentation from Multi-spectral MR Image Data Using Random Forest Classifier
Csaholczi Szabolcs | Iclănzan David | Kovács Levente | Szilágyi László |
Reaction kinetic interpretation of mechanisms related to vascular tumor growth with respect to structural identifiability
Csercsik Dávid | Kovács Levente |
Epidemiology and temporal trends of cardiac device related infective endocarditis
Denes M | Bence A | Ferenci T | Borbas S | Som Z | Prinz G | Foldesi C | Temesvari A | Vertesaljai M | Andreka P |
The changing epidemiology of infective endocarditis in a tertiary center
Denes M | Bence A | Ferenci T | Borbas S | Prinz G | Temesvari A | Vertesaljai M | Andreka P |
Robust positive control of a nonlinear tumor growth model
Drexler Dániel András | Kovács Levente |
Experimental data-driven tumor modeling for chemotherapy
Drexler Dániel András | Ferenci Tamás | Füredi András | Szakács Gergely | Kovács Levente |
Faecal Monitoring is Useful in Monitoring Treatment Response in Anti-TNF-Treated Patients
Farkas K | Szántó KJ | Kata D | Földesi I | Ferenci T | Rutka M | Pigniczki D | Bor R | Fábián A | Szepes Z | Nagy F | Molnár T |
Correlation between fecal infliximab concentration and objective activity markers in inflammatory bowel disease patients
Farkas K | Szántó K | Kata D | Földesi I | Ferenci T | Rutka M | Bor R | Fábián A | Resál T | Nagy F | Szepes Z | Molnár T |
Hozzászólás a „Nagyszámú laboratóriumi vérvizsgálati eredmény exploratív jellegű vizsgálata rangkorrelációval” című közleményhez
Ferenci Tamás | Singer Júlia |
József Attila egy matematikai kérdése
Ferenci Tamás |
Harcban a koronavírus-járvánnyal
Ferenci Tamás |
Harcban a koronavírus-járvánnyal
Ferenci Tamás |
Járványok: kitörés, terjedés, elfojtás
Ferenci Tamás |
Model-Based Management of Lung Cancer Radiation Therapy
Ghita Maria | Drexler Dániel András | Kovács Levente | Copot Dana | Muresan Cristina I. | Ionescu Clara M. |
Regional variation of lower limb major amputations on different geographic scales – a Hungarian nationwide study over 13 years
Kolossváry Endre | Ferenci Tamás | Kováts Tamás | Kovács Levente | Farkas Katalin | Járai Zoltán |
Lower Limb Amputations and Revascularisation Procedures in the Hungarian Population: A 14 Year Retrospective Cohort Study
Kolossváry Endre | Ferenci Tamás | Kováts Tamás | Kovács Levente | Szeberin Zoltán | Sótonyi Péter | Dósa Edit | Járai Zoltán | Farkas Katalin |
Control and Estimation of Diabetes Mellitus by Robust Fixed Point Transformation
Levente Kovács | Bence Czakó | György Eigner |
Non-nutritive sweeteners for diabetes mellitus
Lohner Szimonetta | Kuellenberg de Gaudry Daniela | Toews Ingrid | Ferenci Tamas | Meerpohl Joerg J |
Recommendations of statin treatment after acute coronary syndrome: Hungarian experiences
Mark Laszlo | Janosi Andras | Ferenci Tamas | Toth Peter P. |
A magyarországi lakosság egészséggel összefüggő munkaképessége. Keresztmetszeti reprezentatív felmérés [Health-related productivity of the Hungarian population. A cross-sectional survey]
Péntek Márta | Beretzky Zsuzsanna | Brodszky Valentin | Szabó J Attila | Kovács Levente | Kincses Áron | Baji Petra | Zrubka Zsombor | Rencz Fanni | Gulácsi László |
Voting to the Link: a Static Network Formation Model
Pethes Robert | Kovacs Levente |
Early Phase of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Hungary and Post-Lockdown Scenarios
Röst Gergely | Bartha Ferenc A. | Bogya Norbert | Boldog Péter | Dénes Attila | Ferenci Tamás | Horváth Krisztina J. | Juhász Attila | Nagy Csilla | Tekeli Tamás | Vizi Zsolt | Oroszi Beatrix |
Kalman filter and sliding mode observer in artificial pancreas: an in-silico comparison
Sala-Mira I. | Siket M. | Eigner Gy. | Bondia J. | Kovacs L. |
State and Parameter Estimation of a Mathematical Carcinoma Model under Chemotherapeutic Treatment
Siket Máté | Eigner György | Drexler Dániel András | Rudas Imre | Kovács Levente |
Antihipertenzív kezelés: A családorvosok inkább kezelik az esendő pácienseket
Torzsa Péter | Kalabay László | Csatlós Dalma | Hargittay Csenge | Márkus Bernadett | Mohos András | Szigeti Mátyás | Ferenci Tamás | Verschoor Marjolein | Rozsnyai Zsófia | Jacobijn Gussekloo | Poortvliet Rosalinde KE | Streit Sven |
A nagyon idős és esendő állapotú betegek antihipertenzív kezelési gyakorlata az alapellátásban [Primary care strategy of antihypertensive treatment of very elderly and frail patients]
Torzsa Péter | Kalabay László | Csatlós Dalma | Hargittay Csenge | Márkus Bernadett | Mohos András | Szigeti Mátyás | Ferenczi Tamás | Marjolein Verschoor | Zsofia Rozsnyai | Jacobijn Gussekloo | Rosalinde K. E. Poortvliet | Sven Streit |
A koronavírus okozta COVID–19-pandémia. Korábbi tapasztalatok és tudományos evidenciák 2020. március végén
Váradi András | Ferenci Tamás | Falus András |
Physical Validation of a Residual Impedance Rejection Method during Ultra-Low Frequency Bio-Impedance Spectral Measurements
Vizvari Zoltan | Gyorfi Nina | Odry Akos | Sari Zoltan | Klincsik Mihaly | Gergics Marin | Kovacs Levente | Kovacs Anita | Pal Jozsef | Karadi Zoltan | Odry Peter | Tóth Attila |
PNS251 Psychometric Properties of the Hungarian Language Version of the 13-ITEM Patient Activation Measure (PAM-13) in an Online Sample of the Adult General Population
Zrubka Z. | Vékás P. | Németh P. | Dobos Á. | Hajdu O. | Kovács L. | Péntek M. | Gulácsi L. |
Exploring eHealth Literacy and Patient-Reported Experiences with Outpatient Care in the Hungarian General Adult Population: A Cross-Sectional Study
Zrubka Zsombor | Brito Fernandes Óscar | Baji Petra | Hajdu Ottó | Kovács Levente | Kringos Dionne | Klazinga Niek | Gulácsi László | Brodszky Valentin | Rencz Fanni | Péntek Márta |
Automatic detection of hard and soft exudates from retinal fundus images
Borsos Balint | Nagy Laszlo | Iclanzan David | Szilagyi Laszlo |
Dynamic Modeling of the Angiogenic Switch and Its Inhibition by Bevacizumab
Csercsik Dávid | Kovács Levente |
Az intracardiális eszközökhöz társuló infektív endocarditis epidemiológiája 2006 és 2011 között
Dénes Mónika | Bence András | Ferenci Tamás | Borbás Sarolta | Som Zoltán | Prinz Gyula | Földesi Csaba László | Andréka Péter |
Tumor dynamics modeling based on formal reaction kinetics
Drexler Dániel András | Ferenci Tamás | Anna Lovrics | Levente Kovács |
The Technical Contributions of Imre Rudas: A Strong Leader in the IEEE Community
Eigner Gyorgy |
Physiological and Bioinspired Systems Development at Obuda University: Research Activities in Budapest, a Reach Across Related Fields for the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
Eigner Gyorgy | Haidegger Tamas | Kovacs Levente |
Az akut miokardiális infarktus előfordulásának szezonalitása Magyarországon
Ferenci Tamás | Jánosi András |
A Feature Ranking and Selection Algorithm for Brain Tumor Segmentation in Multi-Spectral Magnetic Resonance Image Data *
Gyorfi Agnes | Kovacs Levente | Szilagyi Laszlo |
Brain Tumour Segmentation from Multispectral MR Image Data Using Ensemble Learning Methods
Győrfi Ágnes | Kovács Levente | Szilágyi László |
A Study on Histogram Normalization for Brain Tumour Segmentation from Multispectral MR Image Data
Győrfi Ágnes | Karetka-Mezei Zoltán | Iclănzan David | Kovács Levente | Szilágyi László |
Does The Type of Ossicular Chain Lesion Affect Outcomes in Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media Without Cholesteatoma?
Horvath Tamas | Lukacs Dora | Horvath Barnabas | Ferenci Tamas | Liktor Balint |
Prevalence and prognosis of patients with myocardial infarction with nonobstructive coronary arteries: a nationwide registry based study
Janosi A | Ferenci T | Andreka P |
Obstruktív koszorúér-betegség nélkül kialakuló heveny szívizominfarktus (MINOCA) – gyakoriság és prognózis [Myocardial infarction without obstructive coronary artery disease (MINOCA) - prevalence and prognosis]
Jánosi András | Ferenci Tamás | Kőszegi Zsolt | Nagy Gergely György | Jambrik Zoltán | Ruzsa Zoltán | Lupkovics Géza | Csanádi Zoltán | Becker Dávid | Merkely Béla | Andréka Péter |
Obstruktív koszorúér betegség nélkül kialakuló heveny szívinfarktus gyakorisága és a betegek prognózisa
Jánosi András | Ferenci Tamás | Andréka Péter |
Can Google Trends data improve forecasting of Lyme disease incidence?
Kapitány-Fövény Máté | Ferenci Tamás | Sulyok Zita | Kegele Josua | Richter Hardy | Vályi-Nagy István | Sulyok Mihály |
Corrigendum to ‘Trends in Major Lower Limb Amputations Related to Peripheral Arterial Disease in Hungary. A Nationwide Study (2004–2012).’[European Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery 50/1 (2015) 78–85]
Kolossvary E. | Ferenci T. | Kovats T. | Kovacs L. | Járai Z | Menyhei G. | Farkas K. |
Potentials, challenges, and limitations of the analysis of administrative data on vascular limb amputations in health care
Kolossváry Endre | Ferenci Tamás | Kováts Tamás |
Mesterséges hasnyálmirigy – A cukorbetegség automatikus kezelése mérnöki megközelítéssel
Kovács Levente | Eigner György | Czakó Bence | Siket Máté | Almássy Zsuzsana | Kocsis Győző | Barkai László |
Control of Diabetes Mellitus by Advanced Robust Control Solution
Kovacs Levente | Eigner Gyorgy | Siket Mate | Barkai Laszlo |
Virtual Design of Advanced Control Algorithms for Small Turbojet Engines
Ladislav Főző | Rudolf Andoga | Levente Kovács | Michal Schreiner | Károly Beneda | Ján Savka | Radovan Soušek |
The Official Journal of ATTD Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes Conference Berlin, Germany—February 20–23, 2019
Levente Kovács | Bence Czakó | György Eigner |
Szívinfarktust túlélt betegek lipidcsökkentő kezelése Magyarországon a Nemzeti Szívinfarktus Regiszter adatai alapján
Márk László | Jánosi András | Ferenci Tamás | Andréka Péter |
Comparing machine learning and regression models for mortality prediction based on the Hungarian Myocardial Infarction Registry
Piros Péter | Ferenci Tamás | Fleiner Rita | Andréka Péter | Fujita Hamido | Főző László | Kovács Levente | Jánosi András |
Patients adherence with fixed dose combinations of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors in hypertension
Simonyi G A | Ferenci T | Finta E | Balogh S | Medvegy M |
Az angiotenzinkonvertálóenzim-gátló/kalciumcsatornablokkoló fix gyógyszer-kombinációk egyéves perzisztenciája hypertoniában – másodközlés
Simonyi Gábor | Ferenci Tamás | Finta Ervin | Igaz István | Balogh Sándor | Gasparics Roland | Medvegy Mihály |
Orális antikoagulánssal már kezelt pitvarfibrilláló betegek egyéves terápiahűsége
Simonyi Gábor | Ferenci Tamás | Finta Ervin | Gasparics Roland | Medvegy Mihály |
Az angiotenzinkonvertálóenzim-gátló/kalciumcsatorna-blokkoló fix gyógyszer-kombinációk egyéves perzisztenciája hypertoniában
Simonyi Gábor | Ferenci Tamás | Finta Ervin | Igaz Iván | Balogh Sándor | Gasparics Roland | Medvegy Mihály |
Self-Tuning Possibilistic c-Means Clustering Models
Szilagyi Laszlo | Lefkovits Szidonia | Szilagyi Sandor M. |
Spatio-temporal Modelling of Tumor Progression and Angiogenesis
Tamás Gönczy | Dávid Csercsik | Levente Kovács |
Reinforcement Learning-based Control of Tumor Growth under Anti-angiogenic Therapy
Yazdjerdi Parisa | Meskin Nader | Al-Naemi Mohammad | Al Moustafa Ala-Eddin | Kovács Levente |
Valós alternatívája-e az iDegLira kezelés az intenzív konzervatív inzulinterápiának?
Bandur Sz. | Szépkúti S. | Kovács G. | Ferenci T. | Tabák Gy.Á. | Turbucz P |
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Using Robust Fixed Point Transformation-Based Phenomena for Controlling Tumor Growth
Czakó Bence | Kovács Levente |
Optimal PID Based Computed Torque Control of Tumor Growth Models
Czako Bence G | Sapi Johanna | Kovacs Levente |
H∞ control of nonlinear systems with positive input with application to antiangiogenic therapy
Drexler Daniel A. | Sapi Johanna | Kovacs Levente |
Controllability and reachability of reactions with temperature and inflow control
Drexler Dániel András | Virágh Eszter | Tóth János |
A dohányzás hatása a szívinfarktus utáni túlélésre – dohányzási paradoxon Magyarországon? [Effect of smoking on survival after myocardial infarction - smoker's paradox in Hungary?]
El-Meouch Nedim Márton | Ferenci Tamás | Jánosi András |
Fractional order control of the cyber-physical cryogenic isotope separation columns cascade system
Eva-H Dulf | Levente Kovács |
Novel Optimum Magnitude Based Fractional Order Controller Design Method
Eva-H Dulf | Mircea Șușcă | Levente Kovács |
Advances in optimalization of therapeutic drug monitoring using mucosal TNF expression and anti-TNF concentration in patients with inflammatory bowel disease treated with biologicals: Preliminary results from a single center study
Farkas K | Elekes G | Kata D | Földesi I | Ferenci T | Madacsy T | Rutka M | Balint A | Bor R | Fabian A | Milassin Á | Lada S | Szepes Z.G | Nagy F | Maléth J | Molnár T |
Advances in optimalisation of therapeutic drug monitoring using mucosal TNF expression and anti-TNF concentration in patients with inflammatory bowel disease treated with biologicals: Preliminary results from a single-centre study
Farkas K | Elekes G | Kata D | Földesi I | Lada S | Ferenci T | Madácsy T | Rutka M | Bálint A | Bor R | Fábián A | Milassin A | Szepes Z | Nagy F | Maléth J | Molnár T |
Advances in optimalization of therapeutic drug monitoring using mucosal TNF expression and anti-TNF concentration in patients with biologicals - preliminary results from a single center study
Farkas K | Elekes G | Kata D | Földesi I | Ferenci T | Madácsy T | Rutka M | Bálint A | Bor R | Fábián A | Milassin Á | Nagy F | Szepes Z | Maléth J | Molnár T |
Az orvoslás tévedései
Ferenci Tamás |
Az orvoslás tévedései, 5. rész
Ferenci Tamás |
Az orvoslás tévedései, 4. rész
Ferenci Tamás |
Az orvoslás tévedései, 3. rész
Ferenci Tamás |
Az orvoslás tévedései, 2. rész
Ferenci Tamás |
A varicella elleni védőoltás kapcsán elemzésre van szükség
Ferenci Tamás |
Az orvoslás tévedései, 1. rész
Ferenci Tamás |
Hálózatok a fertőzések ellen
Ferenci Tamás |
Járványok a semmiből
Ferenci Tamás |
Járványok matematikája
Ferenci Tamás |
Fertőzések és közösségi immunitás
Ferenci Tamás |
Predicting body fat percentage from anthropometric and laboratory measurements using artificial neural networks
Ferenci Tamás | Kovács Levente |
Fixed combinations of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors and calcium channel blockers in relation of patients adherence in hypertension
Gabor Simonyi | Tamás Ferenci | Ervin Finta | Sandor Balogh | Mihaly Medvegy |
Receding Horizon Control of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus by Using Nonlinear Programming
Hamza Khan | József K Tar | Imre Rudas | Levente Kovács | György Eigner |
A kórházi felvétel idején rögzített EKG jelentősége a szívinfarktus miatt kezelt betegek prognózisának meghatározásában [The significance of ECG recorded at hospitalization in determining the prognosis of patients treated with myocardial infarction]
Jánosi A | Ofner Péter | Tomcsányi J | Müller G | Hável R | Soczó AR | Váradi T | Ferenci T |
Does Gender Have Prognostic Value Among Patients with Myocardial Infarction? Analysis of the Data from the Hungarian Myocardial Infarction Registry
Janosi Andras | Ferenci Tamas | Ofner Peter | Lupkovics Geza | Becker David | Falukozy Jozsef | Polgar Peter | Zsolt Kőszegi | Horvath Ivan | Jambrik Zoltan | Szentes Veronika | Merkely Bela | Dézsi Csaba Andras |
Corrigendum to “Receding Horizon Control of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus by Using Nonlinear Programming”
Khan Hamza | Tar József K. | Rudas Imre | Kovács Levente | Eigner György |
A TP-LPV-LMI based control for Tumor Growth Inhibition
Kovacs Levente | Eigner Gyorgy |
Robust Fixed Point Transformation based Proportional-Derivative Control of Angiogenic Tumor Growth
Kovacs Levente | Eigner Gyorgy | Tar Jozsef K | Rudas Imre |
Tensor Product Model Transformation-based Parallel Distributed Control of Tumor Growth
Levente Kovács | György Eigner |
Advantage of novel oral anticoagulants compared to vitamin-K antagonist in atrial fibrillation. Data from real world.
Simonyi Gabor | Ferenci Tamás | Finta Ervin | Balogh Sandor | Medvegy Mihaly |
Fractional Order PID-type Feedback in Fixed Point Transformation-based Adaptive Control of the FitzHugh-Nagumo Neuron Model with Time-delay
Tar Jozsef K | Bito Janos F | Kovacs Levente | Faitli Tamas |
Graceful Integration of Process Capability Improvement, Formal Modeling and Web Technology for Traceability
Biro Miklos | Kossak Felix | Klespitz Jozsef | Kovacs Levente |
A családorvosok alvási apnoéval kapcsolatos ismeretei és attitűdjei. Megvalósul-e az OSAS szűrése a járművezetők egészségi alkalmasságának vizsgálata során? [Hungarian family physicians' and residents' knowledge of and attitude towards osas (obstructive sleep apnea syndrome). do they screen sleep apnea during the general medical checkup for the driving licence?]
Csatlós Dalma | Ferenci Tamás | Kalabay László | László Andrea | Hargittay Csenge | Márkus Bernadett | Szakács Zoltán | Torzsa Péter |
Body composition as a predictor factor of disease outcome in inflammatory bowel disease - Results of 3-year follow up
Csontos Á | Molnár A | Dakó S | Hencz R | Piri D | Ferencczi T | Pálfi E | Miheller P |
Optimal discrete time control of antiangiogenic tumor therapy
Daniel A Drexler | Johanna Sapi | Levente Kovacs |
Positive nonlinear control of tumor growth using angiogenic inhibition
Daniel A Drexler | Johanna Sapi | Levente Kovacs |
Modeling of Tumor Growth Incorporating the Effects of Necrosis and the Effect of Bevacizumab
Dániel András Drexler | Johanna Sápi | Levente Kovács |
A bicompartmental dynamic tumor growth model
Dávid Csercsik | Johanna Sápi | Levente Kovács |
Regularization of the Spatial Inverse Positioning Problem of Revolute Joint Manipulators
Drexler Dániel András |
Closed-Loop Inverse Kinematics Algorithm with Implicit Numerical Integration
Drexler Dániel András |
The 2016 IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference
Eigner György | Kovács Levente | Némethy Krisztina |
Infliximab biosimilar CT-P13 therapy is effective and safe in maintaining remission in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis – experiences from a single center
Farkas K | Rutka M | Ferenci T | Nagy F | Bálint A | Bor R | Milassin Á | Fábián A | Szántó K | Végh Z | Kürti Z | Lakatos PL | Szepes Z | Molnár T |
Nézd és mondd!
Ferenci Tamás |
Experiences with Using Bayes Factors for Regression Analysis in Biostatistical Setting
Ferenci Tamás | Kovács Levente |
Posztinfarktusos betegek adherenciája a másodlagos prevenció szempontjából szóbajövő gyógyszeres kezeléshez és ennek hatása a kimenetre - a Nemzeti Szívinfarktusregiszter és az OEP adatai alapján
Ferenci Tamás | Ofner Péter | Jánosi András |
Megjegyzések az adatbányászatról jégkorongcsapatok összeállítása ürügyén
Ferenci Tamás |
Control of Physiological Systems through Linear Parameter Varying Framework
György Eigner |
Novel LPV-based Control Approach for Nonlinear Physiological Systems
György Eigner |
Adaptive Model Predictive Control Based on Fixed Point Iteration
Hamza Khan | József K Tar | Imre J Rudas | György Eigner | Kovács Levente |
Treatments and outcomes of myocardial infarction patients with ST elevation versus new or probably new left bundle branch block
Janosi A | Ofner P | Ferenci T |
Szívinfarktust túlélt betegek terápiahűsége a másodlagos megelőzés szempontjából fontos gyógyszeres kezelésekhez [Adherence to medication after myocardial infarction and its impact on outcome: a registry-based analysis from the Hungarian Myocardial Infarction Registry]
Janosi A | Ofner Péter | Kiss Z | Kiss L | Kiss RG | Dinnyes J | Jarai Z | Nagy G | Veress G | Ferenci T |
Perifériás érbetegséggel összefüggő alsó végtagi amputációk Magyarországon (HUNVASCDATA projekt)
Járai Zoltán | Kolossváry Endre | Ferenci Tamás | Kováts Tamás | Farkas Katalin |
Performance of a New HPV and Biomarker Assay in the Management of hrHPV Positive Women: Subanalysis of the Ongoing Multicenter TRACE Clinical Trial (n>6,000) to Evaluate POU4F3 methylation as a Potential Biomarker of Cervical Precancer and Cancer.
Kocsis A | Takacs T | Jeney C | Schaff Z | Koiss R | Jaray B | Sobel G | Pap K | Szekely I | Ferenci T | Lai HC | Nyiri M | Benczik M |
A robust fixed point transformation-based approach for type 1 diabetes control
Levente Kovács |
Levente Kovács |
Linear parameter varying (LPV) based robust control of type-I diabetes driven for real patient data
Levente Kovács |
Infliximab biosimilar CT-P13 therapy is effective in maintaining clinical remission in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis - 54 week data.
Molnár T | Farkas K | Rutka M | Ferenci T | Nagy F | Bálint A | Bor R | Milassin A | Fábián A | Végh Z | Z. Kürti | P.L. Lakatos | Z. Szepes |
The issue of plasma asymmetric dimethylarginine reference range – A systematic review and meta-analysis
Németh Balázs | Ajtay Zénó | Hejjel László | Ferenci Tamás | Ábrám Zoltán | Murányi Edit | Kiss István |
Infectious hospital agents: A HAI spreading simulation framework
Pethes R | Ferenci T | Kovács L |
An overview of myocardial infarction registries and results from the hungarian myocardial infarction registry
Piros P | Fleiner R | Ferenci T | Andréka P | Fujita H | Ofner P | Kovács L | Jánosi A |
Potential Benefits of Discrete-Time Controllerbased Treatments over Protocol-based Cancer Therapies
Sápi Johanna | Drexler Dániel András | Kovács Levente |
A pitvarfibrilláció prognosztikus jelentősége akut szívinfarktusban
Simkovits Dániel | Ferenci Tamás | Póth Anikó | Zorándi Ágnes | Andréka Péter |
A carvedilol vs metoprolol egyéves hazai perzisztenciája
Simonyi Gábor | Ferenci Tamás | Finta Ervin |
A ramipril versus a ramipril/amlodipin fix kombináció egyéves perzisztenciája hypertoniás betegekben
Simonyi Gábor | Ferenci Tamás |
Which is the best choice? One year persistence of ramipril, ramipril/amlodipin free and fixed dose combination therapy in hypertension
Simonyi Gábor | Ferenci Tamás | Medvegy Mihály | Finta Ervin |
A perindopril/amlodipin szabad és fix kombinációk egyéves terápiahűsége
Simonyi Gábor | Ferenci Tamás | Medvegy Mihály | Gasparics Roland | Finta Ervin |
Hepatic fibrosis and factors associated with liver stiffness in HIV mono-infected individuals
Sulyok Mihály | Ferenci Tamás | Makara Mihály | Horváth Gábor | Szlávik János | Rupnik Zsófia | Kormos Luca | Gerlei Zsuzsanna | Sulyok Zita | Vályi-Nagy István |
Variable selection should be blinded to the outcome
Tamás Ferenci |
Modelling Tumor Growth Under Angiogenesis Inhibition with Mixed-effects Models
Tamás Ferenci | Johanna Sápi | Levente Kovács |
Absolute risk reduction may depend on the duration of the follow-up
Tamás Ferenci |
Teacher's Kit: Development, Usability, and Communities of Modular Robotic Kits for Classroom Education
Árpád Takács | György Eigner | Levente Kovács | Imre Rudas | Tamás Haidegger |
Prognostic factors, effectiveness and safety of endoscopic balloon dilatation for de novo and anastomotic strictures in Crohn’s disease—A multicenter “real life” study
Bálint Anita | Törőcsik Dalma | Palatka Károly | Szepes Zoltán | Szűcs Mónika | Tamás Ferenci | Nagy Ferenc | Farkas Klaudia | Fábián Anna | Bor Renáta | Milassin Ágnes | Rutka Mariann | Molnár Tamás |
Simonyi Gábor | Ferenci Tamás |
Fixed Point Transformation-based Adaptive Control for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
György Eigner | József Tar | Levente Kovács |
Performance of soft computing controllers in hemodialysis machines
J Klespitz | M Takács | I Rudas | L Kovács |
Glykaemiás variabilitás vizsgálata különböző diabetestípusokban
Lukács K | Ferenci T | Sipter E | Barkai LJ | Kovács L | Madácsy L | Pánczél P | Karádi I | Hosszúfalusi N |
Closing the Loop - mesterséges hasnyálmirigy szabályozási algoritmusának in silico validációja 1-es típusú magyar diabetesesek adatain = Closing the Loop - in silico validation results of a Hungarian artifical pancreas algorithm
Kovács Levente | Szalay Péter | Sas Péter István | Benyó Balázs | Benyó Zoltán | Almássy Zsuzsanna | Felszeghy Enikő Noémi | Kocsis Győző | Fövenyi József | Wudi Krisztina | Madarász Eszter | Kerényi Zsuzsanna | Körner Anna | Kautzky László | Grósz Andrea | Soós Hajnalka | Orbán Andrea | Soós Andrea | Török András | Barkai László |