Martin Dömény

MSc student

Martin Ferenc Dömény obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science Engineering in 2024 and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering at the Óbuda University. Since 2022, he has been a member of the Physiological Controls Research Center. Also since 2022, he has been involved in teaching activities as a demonstrator in Computer Architectures, Control Theory. In 2023, he received the New National Excellence Program (ÚNKP) scholarship and the National Higher Education (NFÖ) scholarship at Óbuda University. He achieved first place twice in institutional scientific student conferences. He is a member of the subproject focusing on tumor modeling and therapy generation within the project “Establishment of an Innovation Service Base for the Development of Diagnostic, Therapeutic, and Research Cybermedical Systems” at the Cybermedical Competence Center of Óbuda University. He currently has three publications. Since 2022, he has been a member of IEEE.


  • Computer Science Engineer BSc


    Óbuda University

  • Computer Science Engineer MSc


    Óbuda University